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English Corner (Oleh: Yani Aryani)


Psalms  119: 17-24

From:'Sentuhan Hati' 16February 2015 

APPLICATION:Many people often misunderstand about how to apply Biblical principles, they think that it only consists of 3 steps 'hear, believe and apply' but actually there are 5 steps altogether:  

1. 'Hear' : In English there are 2 words in relation with  our senses of hearing, the first is 'hear'. Because we have ears, we can hear any sound that comes to us, such as the sound  of the cars passing by  or the sound of the broken plate that falls down from the table. However, we need not pay attention to those sounds and of course we do not enjoy  it either. The second word is 'listen'. In this case, we need to pay attention in order to understand what we hear. For example ' The student is listening to the teacher's explanation,' or ' I'm listening to the music.'  In the context above, the actual mean7ing of the word is 'listening attentively with all of your heart and mind to the words of God until you can understand them clearly.'
2.  'Believe' : It means you trust God fully and you dare to entrust (pasrah) Him for everything and depend on Him for any condition you face.
3. 'Explore' : It means we must study,  meditate, or ponder and try to seek the deep meaning of the words of God:  what the surrounding context is or the background of the passage is , what the principle means for us, and what it reveals about God.
4.  'Discover' : In English there are 3 different terms to indicate the usage.  The most  common one is 'to find' , for example 'I try to find my lost pen.'  It can happen  to all people in their daily activities. The second one is 'to discover' such as 'Columbus discovered America in 1492'. The continent of America was  always there since the beginning of time, but people did not know about it until 1492, when Columbus discovered it. And the last one is 'to invent' for instance 'Thomas  Alpha Edison invented electricity'. He invented something brand new that nobody knew before. When we try to learn the words of God, we need to 'discover' the real truth in it, everything is there, prepared  or available for us. We just need  to 'discover'  it with the help of the Holy Spirit.
5.  'Apply' :  It means we must do it in our daily life. We  do not only talk, discuss, suggest or share, but we must act or carry on (melaksanakan) however hard it is.So applying God's words is not easy and simple, it needs  a great attempt (usaha), but it has  a deep value. When we dig in the Words, they will soften our hearts and minds, so that the new doctrine will be rooted deeply. As we explore further, the new concept becomes real to us, works in us and it can be applied properly in our life. When we apply the truth into our hearts and minds, it will give an impact inside us and external influence to other people around us.  This is a joyful and exciting experience. Try and apply it now without delay!!!!!


apply = menerapkan = mengaplikasikan consists = contains = terdiri dari = berisi actually = sesungguhnya sense of hearing = indra pendengaran explanation = keterangan = penjelasan attentively = full of attention = penuh perhatian putting on= mengenakan =  memakai step = hal = langkah = tahap Scripture = the Words of God = Firman Tuhan understand = comprehend = memahami = mengerti surrounding = mengelilingi = mencakup = meliputireveal=open the secrete =menyingkapkan/membuka rahasiafurthermore = moreover = lebih lanjut = selanjutnya relate = berkaitan = berhubungan soften = melembutkan = melunakkan plow = plough = membajak = mengolah explore = menyelidiki = meneliti = memeriksa rise off =  muncul = timbul = keluar properly = correctly = dengan tepat/ benar simply = sekedar = semata-mata tacked = melekat = menempel influence = impact = pengaruh = dampak rather = melainkan = sebaiknya integral = penting = perlu delightful = joyful = very happy = menyenangkan passing fancy = angan-angan/keinginan sekilas dig back = menggali kembali statutes = ketetapan = ketentuan = hukum probably = perhaps = maybe = kemungkinan dare = berani ponder = merenungkan = mempertimbangkan seek = mencari dengan sungguh-sungguh terms = istilah indicate = state = menyatakan usage = penggunaan available = tersedia suggest = give opinion = mengusulkan rooted = berakar exciting = sangat menarik/menggembirakan